1.8. Adjustment of position of forward seatsFor maintenance of the most convenient landing of people of different growth and a constitution position of seats of the driver and the forward passenger can be changed both in a longitudinal direction, and on a back angle of slope. Besides, headrest adjustment on height and an angle of slope is possible.
Position of a back seat is not regulated, possibility of its apportion for increase in a useful area of a luggage carrier however is provided, and each part of a seat can be spread out separately.
Regulate position of a seat of the driver only on the motionless car. If at adjustment attempt in movement you indistinctly fix a seat in a longitudinal direction and it will unexpectedly move, it is possible to lose the control over the car.
For adjustment of position of forward seats in a longitudinal direction pull upwards blocking lever and move a seat on a sled to convenient position. After seat installation lower the lever and small movings of a seat forward-back achieve its reliable fixing.
Back inclination regulate бесступенчато rotation of the handle at the back basis.
For change of position of a headrest incline it in the necessary party or move upwards or downwards, overcoming effort of clamps. Optimum position of a headrest – its top edge is located flush with the top part of a head.
For people of very high growth lift a headrest in extreme top position, and for people of very low growth – lower in extreme bottom position.