Cause of defect
Way of elimination
Knock at трогании from a place, at sharp dispersal or a gear change
1. Easing of bolts and fastening nuts
Elastic муфты and flanges карданных hinges
1. Tighten:
- Nuts of bolts of fastening of the elastic
муфты the moment 57,8-71,5 Н·м;
- Nuts of bolts of fastening of flanges карданных shaft to flanges of reducers
And a distributing box the moment
27,4-34,3 Н·м
2. The increased district backlash in шлицевых connections карданных shaft
2. Check up backlash size;
If it more than 0,30 mm, replace the worn out details
3. The increased backlash in bearings
карданных hinges
3. Repair hinges with replacement
The worn out details
Noise and vibration
1. Deformation карданных shaft
1. Correct on a press or replace
2. A disbalance карданных shaft
2. Address on car-care centre for check and balancing карданных shaft
3. Deterioration or damage of the aligning plug of a flange elastic муфты and an aligning ring of a secondary shaft of a transmission
3. Replace a flange elastic муфты
In gathering with the plug and an aligning ring of a secondary shaft
4. Deterioration or hinge damage
Equal angular speeds of an intermediate shaft
4. Replace the hinge
5. The raised backlash in bearings
карданных hinges or jamming
5. Repair hinges with replacement
The worn out details
6. Easing of holders of epiploons шлицевых connections of shaft
6. Draw in epiploons and press out
Their holders; at greasing leak replace epiploons
7. Insufficient greasing шлицевых connections
7. Grease шлицевые connections by greasing Fiol_1