5.1. Coupling Features of a design
Fig. 5.1. Coupling in gathering: 1 – картер couplings; 2 – a flywheel; 3 – a bolt of fastening of a casing of coupling to a flywheel; 4 – a conducted disk; 5 – press a disk; 6 – a coupling casing; 7 – муфта coupling deenergizings; 8 – a primary shaft of a transmission; 9 – a plug of deenergizing of coupling; 10 – the central press spring
On the car the one-disk, dry, constantly closed coupling with central диафрагменной a spring is established . The coupling device is shown on fig. 5.1.
Fig. 5.2. A drive of deenergizing of coupling: 1 – a tube; 2 – the main cylinder; 3 – a nut of fastening of the main cylinder; 4 – an arm of pedals; 5 – муфта coupling deenergizings; 6 – a spherical support; 7 – a plug of deenergizing of coupling; 8 – a cover of a plug of deenergizing of coupling; 9 – a bolt of fastening of an arm; 10 – an arm; 11 – the working cylinder; 12 – the valve for air removal; 13 – an axis of a pedal of coupling; 14 – a coupling pedal; 15 – lock скоба; 16 – a pusher of the main cylinder; 17 – the plug; 18 – lock скоба; 19 – the plug
Coupling drive hydraulic, беззазорный, with automatic indemnification of deterioration of frictional overlays of a conducted disk. The drive consists of the main thing 2 ( fig. 5.2) and the worker of 11 cylinders, a pedal of coupling, a tube of 1 hydrodrive of deenergizing of coupling and a hose.
That coupling served long and smoothly, do not hold constantly a foot on a coupling pedal. This bad habit frequently get during training to driving in driving schools from fear not to have time to switch off coupling during a car stop. Besides fast weariness of the foot which are all time over a pedal, coupling appears though a little, but is squeezed out, and the conducted disk thus revolves and wears out. Besides, though выжимной the bearing also is calculated on work in a mode of constant rotation, it at the pedal pressed slightly is under the raised loading, and its resource decreases.
For the same reason it is not recommended to hold long coupling in the switched off condition (for example, in stoppers). If it is not necessary to get under way at once from a place, to include neutral position of a transmission is better and to release a pedal.
Coupling proslipping is easy for defining by means of a tachometre. If during movement by sharp pressing a pedal of an accelerator turns sharply grow, and then fall also the car starts to be dispersed a little, coupling demands repair.
Check of a technical condition of coupling
Check up a technical condition of coupling in the next ways.
1. Include neutral transfer to a transmission, start up the engine of the car and warm up it to working temperature. At work of the engine with the minimum frequency of rotation of a cranked shaft switch off coupling (press a pedal) and include backing transfer. Transfer should join without a gnash, knock and other extraneous noise.
2. On the move the car switch transfers. All transfers should join without a gnash, knock and other extraneous noise.
3. At car dispersal proportionality between increase in frequency of rotation of a cranked shaft of the engine and increase in speed of movement of the car (coupling should not "slip") should be observed. Coupling proslipping is easy for defining by means of a tachometre. If during movement by sharp pressing a pedal of an accelerator turns sharply grow, and then hardly fall also the car starts to be dispersed, coupling demands repair.
If the specified signs of normal work of coupling are absent, try to remove air from a coupling hydrodrive. If hydrodrive prorolling has not led to desirable result, remove coupling for repair.
Prorolling of a hydrodrive of coupling
If at the pedal pressed against the stop coupling is switched off not completely ("conducts") that is accompanied by a characteristic gnash of gear wheels at reverse gear inclusion, probably, in a coupling hydrodrive there is air. Remove its prorolling of a drive.
Besides, prorolling is carried out at filling of a hydrodrive with a liquid after its replacement or after repair of knots of the system, connected with its depressurization.
It be required to you: a key «on 8», a hose for prorolling, capacity for a brake liquid, a brake liquid.
Work spend with the assistant on a viewing ditch.
1. Fill in (or add) a liquid in a tank to the bottom edge of a jellied mouth.
2. Put on the valve of the working cylinder a hose for prorolling. Lower other end of a hose in capacity with a small amount of a brake liquid so that it was in a liquid.
3. Press a pedal of coupling of 4-5 times and keep a pedal of coupling of the pressed.
The assistant should press a pedal sharply, with intervals between pressing 2–3 with.
4. Open the valve of prorolling for release of air from system. The hose in capacity will leave a liquid with air vials.
5. After the expiration of a liquid from a hose will stop, wrap the union, release a coupling pedal.
6. Repeat operations 4, 5 and 6 some times prior to the beginning of an exit of a liquid from a hose without air vials.
Do not suppose falling of level of a liquid in a tank below a label «min». In due time add a liquid, differently at drainage of a bottom of a tank to system will get air and prorolling it is necessary to repeat anew.
7. Remove a hose from the valve of prorolling and put on a cap.
8. Add a brake liquid in a tank of the main cylinder to label level «max».
Removal and installation of a tank of a hydrodrive of coupling
Remove a tank at excessive pollution of a brake liquid and occurrence of adjournment on tank walls.
It be required to you: a key «on 10», пассатижи, capacity for a brake liquid, a brake liquid.
1. Turn away a tank stopper.
2. Turn away a nut of fastening of an arm of a tank.
3. Take out a tank from an arm.
4. Merge from a tank a liquid.
5. Examine a tank. At detection of adjournment...
6.... ослабьте a collar of fastening of a hose also disconnect it.
The tank can be washed out and used repeatedly.
7. Establish a tank in an order, the return to removal.
8. Fill in a liquid and pump over hydrosystem («Prorolling of a hydrodrive of coupling» see).
Removal and installation of the main cylinder of a drive of coupling
The main cylinder remove for replacement or repair at liquid leak, incomplete deenergizing of coupling (can be caused leak of a liquid or deterioration of cuffs), and also at incomplete inclusion of coupling (as a result of a contamination of a compensatory aperture or its overlapping by the inflated cuff).
It be required to you: a key «on 13» (a face head with the extension piece), пассатижи, a rubber pear.
1. Pump out a rubber pear a liquid from a tank.
2. Ослабьте a collar of fastening of a hose also disconnect it from the main cylinder.
4. Turn out a nut of fastening of the pipeline from the main cylinder. Take the pipeline from an aperture of the main cylinder and take him aside.
5. Turn on two nuts of fastening of the cylinder and...
6.... Remove it from the car.
7. Establish the cylinder in an order, the return to removal.
8. Pump over a coupling hydrodrive («Prorolling of a hydrodrive of coupling» see).
Removal and installation of the working cylinder of a drive of coupling
The working cylinder remove for replacement or repair at the incomplete deenergizing of coupling caused by leak of a liquid.
It be required to you: keys «on 13», «on 17».
1. Ослабьте a tip of a hose of the working cylinder.
2. Turn out two bolts of an arm of fastening of the working cylinder to картеру couplings.
4. Take out a pusher of the working cylinder from a plug of deenergizing of coupling and remove a protective cap together with a pusher.
5. Keeping a tip of a hose from проворачивания and rotating the cylinder, separate them.
6. Merge a liquid from a drive and the cylinder in in advance prepared capacity.
7. Establish the new working cylinder in an order, the return to removal.
8. Pump over a coupling hydrodrive («Prorolling of a hydrodrive of coupling» see).
Replacement of a hose of a hydrodrive of coupling
It be required to you: a key «on 14», «on 17», «on 19».
1. Keeping a key 1 from проворачивания the hose union, a key 2 turn away a nut of the pipeline and disconnect it.
2. Remove скобу union fastenings to a body arm.
3. Merge a liquid from a drive in in advance prepared capacity.
4. Turn out a tip of a hose from the working cylinder.
Do not lose a sealing washer.
5. Establish a new hose in an order, the return to removal.
6. Pump over a coupling hydrodrive («Prorolling of a hydrodrive of coupling» see).
Removal and coupling installation
The basic malfunctions for which elimination removal and coupling dismantling are necessary:
– Raised (in comparison with habitual) noise at coupling inclusion;
– Jerks at coupling work;
– Incomplete inclusion of coupling ( coupling "slips");
– Incomplete deenergizing of coupling ( coupling "conducts").
Work on removal and coupling installation is rather labour-consuming, therefore be preliminary necessarily convinced that malfunctions are not caused by defects of a drive of coupling.
If after coupling dismantling obvious signs of malfunction of separate knots are not found out, replace all knots simultaneously.
As before coupling removal it is necessary to remove a transmission, work with the assistant.
It be required to you: a key «on 8», two screw-drivers, оправка for a centering of a conducted disk (it is possible to make of a primary shaft of a transmission, having removed a gear wheel).
1. Establish the car on a viewing ditch or the lift.
2. Remove a transmission (Removal and transmission installation »see«).
3. If will establish former press a disk, mark in any way (for example, кернением) a relative positioning of a casing of a disk and a flywheel to establish press a disk in former position (for balancing preservation).
4. Turn out six bolts of fastening of a press disk to a flywheel, keeping an assembly shovel a flywheel from проворачивания.
5. Remove press and conducted disks, holding thus conducted disk.
6. Examine a conducted disk. Cracks on details of a conducted disk are not supposed. Check up deterioration of frictional overlays. If heads of rivets are drowned less than on 0,2 mm, and a surface of frictional overlays is made oily or weakened заклепочные connections (or frictional overlays) it is necessary to replace a conducted disk.
7. Check up reliability of fixing демпферных springs in nests of a nave of a conducted disk. If springs are broken, replace a disk. Check up palpation of a conducted disk if at visual survey it is revealed it коробление. If the palpation size exceeds 0,5 mm, a disk replace.
8. External survey estimate a condition диафрагменной springs of a press disk. Cracks on диафрагменной to a spring are not supposed. Places of contact of petals of a spring with the bearing of deenergizing of coupling should be in one plane and not have obvious wear tracks.
9. Establish coupling in an order, the return to removal.
Before a tightening of bolts of fastening of a press disk carefully centre a leading disk оправкой. If it not to make, transmission installation will be complicated.
Replacement of the bearing of deenergizing of coupling
Sign of necessity of replacement of the bearing of deenergizing of coupling is the raised noise at the moment of pressing a coupling pedal.
1. Remove a transmission (Removal and transmission installation »see«) if it has not been removed for coupling repair.
2. Deduce the bearing from gearing with a plug.
3. Take away a plug and...
4.... Remove the bearing.
5. Establish the new bearing in an order, the return to removal.
6. Grease шлицы a primary shaft with a thin layer of greasing ЛСЦ-15 or Litol-24.
7. Establish a transmission and the removed knots in an order, the return to removal.