8.3. Check and adjustment of brake system Check of tightness of a hydrodrive
Check tightness external examination:
– From above from under a cowl;
– From below the car (on the lift or a viewing ditch);
– From sides with the removed wheels.
Survey of a part of the hydrodrive working under pressure, spend with the assistant. It should press 4–5 times a brake pedal (having created thereby pressure in a hydrodrive) and to keep its pressed while you will examine a hydrodrive. Survey of the hydrodrive which is not under pressure, let us assume, but is less effective.
At detection негерметичности connections tighten collars, заглушки, nuts.
Hoses and the pipelines having mechanical damages, replace.
At detection негерметичности wheel cylinders repair or replace cylinders
It be required to you: a key «on 15», a special key for nuts of fastening of pipelines or a key «on 10».
So the special key for nuts of fastening of pipelines looks.
1. Examine a tank of the main cylinder...
2.... Connections of pipelines with the main cylinder.
3. Check up, whether is not present подтекания a liquid in connections of brake tubes with tees...
4.... With a pressure regulator. At leak detection tighten tips of brake tubes (use a special key).
5. Carefully examine brake hoses. They should not have cracks, anguishes and wiping traces. Press against the stop a brake pedal. If on a hose there were swellings, means, threads of a braid of a hose have torn and it is necessary to replace it.
6. Check up fastening of pipelines in holders. Easing or breakage of holders lead to vibration and, as consequence, to breakage of pipelines.
7. Check up a condition of pipelines on картере the back bridge.
8. Examine connection of a hose with the wheel cylinder, the union for release of air of brake mechanisms of lobbies and...
Check of an overall performance of the vacuum amplifier
At failure of the vacuum amplifier the effort to brake pedals considerably increases that negatively affects driving. If the effort to pedals at braking has considerably increased in comparison with usual, check up the amplifier of brakes on the motionless car.
It be required to you: a screw-driver, a rubber pear.
1. At the idle engine press a pedal of a brake of 5-6 times. Keeping a brake pedal in the pressed position, start up the engine. The brake pedal should move forward. If it has not occurred, check up...
2.... Density of landing of a vacuum hose on the union of an inlet pipe and...
3.... On the return valve. In need of dependence on defect tighten a collar of fastening of a hose, replace a collar or a hose.
Easing of fastenings, damage of details are not supposed. The weakened fastenings tighten, the damaged details replace.
4. For check of the return valve disconnect from the valve a vacuum hose.
5. Take out the valve from the amplifier case.
6. Put on the union большего diameter (by which the valve is inserted in the amplifier) a rubber pear and compress it. Thus...
7.... Air should leave through the valve. Release a pear. If it remained in the compressed condition, means, the valve is serviceable. Otherwise replace the valve. In the absence of a pear it is possible to blow the valve a mouth.
Check of degree of deterioration brake колодок
If at braking the car withdraws aside or extraneous noise is audible, check up a condition brake колодок.
1. Establish the car on the lift.
2. Remove a forward wheel.
3. Check up through an aperture in the case brake скобы a condition колодок. If a thickness of frictional overlays about 1,5 mm, replace pad.
4. For check of degree of deterioration brake колодок the back brake mechanism take out rubber заглушку from an aperture in a brake board and...
5.... Examine overlays колодок.
Replace pad in following cases:
– A thickness of overlays less than 1,5 mm;
– The surface of overlays is made oily;
– Overlays are unsteadily connected to the basis.
Check and adjustment of a regulator of pressure
At malfunction of a regulator of pressure during intensive braking blocking of back wheels before lobbies that will lead to car drift is possible.
Check of a regulator of pressure spend with the assistant from below the car established on the lift or a viewing ditch.
It be required to you: a screw-driver, keys «on 10» (two).
1. By external survey be convinced, чторегулятор pressure and details of its drive have no damages, is absent подтекание a brake liquid.
2. Ask the assistant to press a brake pedal.
3. By pressing a pedal with effort 70–80 кгс the piston should be put forward from the case, twisting торсионный the lever.
Visually to define piston moving, insert a screw-driver between the adjusting screw and the piston lever. At movement of the piston the screw-driver will move too.
4. If by pressing a pedal of a brake the piston remains motionless the pressure regulator is faulty also it it is necessary to replace new.
Adjustment of a drive of a regulator of pressure of back brakes is necessary at easing of bolts of its fastening, and also after any works connected with removal of a beam of the back bridge, replacement of springs and shock-absorbers of a back suspension bracket.
5. For adjustment will hang out a back axis of the car.
6. Ослабьте a counternut of 1 adjusting bolt 2.
7. Wrapping an adjusting bolt a key 1, achieve easy contact of a bolt with the lever 2 pistons.
8. Wrap an adjusting bolt on one turn and tighten a counternut.
9. At correct adjustment of a drive of a regulator of pressure of back brakes back wheels should be blocked at sharp braking a bit later, than lobbies.
Check spend at braking since speed of 30-40 km/h.
Check and adjustment of a free wheeling of a pedal of a brake
If the free wheeling of a pedal is more than norm, efficiency of brakes because of reduction of a full speed of a pedal decreases. At excessively small or absent free wheeling probably spontaneous подтормаживание and heating of brakes.
The free wheeling of a pedal of a brake at the idle engine should make 3–5 mm.
It be required to you: an emphasis, a ruler, a key «on 19».
1. Establish a ruler near to a pedal an end face on a floor, сориентировав it on the middle of a platform of a pedal. Note on a ruler or remember pedal position.
2. Press an emphasis (it is possible to use the hammer handle) a pedal, having moved it before occurrence of notable increase in effort of moving. Define on a ruler moving of a pedal which will be a pedal free wheeling.
3. If the free wheeling of a pedal of a brake leaves for admissible limits, adjust it, having weakened an inhaling of a nut of fastening of the switch of a signal of braking and...
Not to damage wires and contact sockets of the switch of a signal of braking, we recommend to disconnect them.
4.... Turning or turning out the switch in an arm (at the big free wheeling roll the switch in an arm towards a pedal, at a small free wheeling or its absence turn out the switch from an arm, postponing it from a pedal).
5. Check up a free wheeling of a pedal of a brake once again. Tighten a nut of fastening of the switch of a signal of braking.
6. Attach wires to the switch (if them disconnected) and check up work of stoplights.
Check and adjustment of a lay brake
The lay brake should keep the car on a bias of 25 % at lever moving in car salon on 7–9 teeth (clicks) of the ratchet device.
1. For check of correctness of adjustment of a lay brake find near to a parking lot of your car a platform, a loading ramp, etc. height H=1,25 m at length of entrance L=5 m. Such parity corresponds to a bias of 25 %.
2. In the absence of such ramp for the simplified check of a lay brake establish the car on an equal platform. The gear change lever put in neutral position, lift completely the lever of a lay brake in salon. Leave the car and try to get it moving forward. If it was possible to you, it is necessary to adjust a drive of a lay brake urgently.
Regulate a drive of a lay brake from below the car established on the lift or a viewing ditch.
It be required to you: two keys «on 12», pincers of type "cobra" or пассатижи.
1. Keeping a key 1 adjusting nut, a key 2 ослабьте a counternut.
2. Keeping pincers a cable, turning or unscrewing an adjusting nut, achieve a lever course on 7–9 clicks.
4. Execute some full courses of the lever, then lower the lever against the stop.
5. Turn back wheels a hand. They should rotate in regular intervals, without jerks. Otherwise repair a drive of a lay brake or brake mechanisms of back wheels.
Check of an overall performance of brake system
To check an overall performance of brake system it is desirable at special brake stands (similar to applied traffic polices at carrying out of annual checkup of cars). As a last resort the rough complex assessment of works of brake system can be spent on the equal horizontal platform closed for a traffic. It is desirable, that the platform has been covered by a thin layer of sand.
The car without loading (except for the driver) disperse on the first transfer till the speed about 15 km/h. Sharply press a brake pedal so that wheels were blocked, and do not release a pedal to a full stop of the car.
Leave the car and examine the brake traces left wheels of the car. If brake traces of forward wheels are slightly longer back, thus the length of traces at the left and on the right is identical, the brake system is serviceable. Otherwise repair system.
Following parities should be observed:
L a lion. The lane = L the rights. The lane
L a lion. задн. = L the rights. задн.
L the lane> L задн.
Do not abuse a similar estimation for it is connected with the raised unilateral deterioration of tyres.