1. The car device
2. Recommendations about operation
3. Malfunctions in a way
4. The engine
5. Transmission
6. A running gear
7. A steering
7.1. Features of a design
7.2. Survey and steering check on the car
7.3. Check of a tension and adjustment of a belt of a drive of the pump of the hydraulic booster
7.4. Liquid replacement in hydrosystem of the amplifier of a steering
7.5. Replacement of a tank of hydrosystem of the amplifier of a steering
7.6. Prorolling of system of the hydraulic booster of a steering
7.7. Backlash adjustment in gearing of a roller with a worm
7.8. Removal and steering wheel installation
7.9. Replacement of shaft of a steering
7.10. Replacement of steering draughts
7.11. Removal and installation of the steering mechanism
7.12. Removal and installation of the pump of the hydraulic booster
7.13. Removal and installation of the pendular lever
7.14. Dismantling, дефектовка and assemblage of the pendular lever
7.15. Possible malfunctions of a steering without the hydraulic booster, their reasons and ways of elimination
7.16. Possible malfunctions of the hydraulic booster of a steering, their reason and ways of elimination
8. Brake system
9. An electric equipment
10. A body
11. Variants of execution of the car
12. Care of the car
13. Purchase of spare parts
14. A trip on HUNDRED
15. Winter operation of the car
16. Preparation for checkup
17. Appendices


7.1. Features of a design

Fig. 7.1. The Steering: 1 – lateral draught; 2 – сошка; 3 – average draught; 4 – the pendular lever; 5 – adjusting муфта; 6 – a spherical support of a suspension bracket; 7 – right rotary
Fist; 8 – the spherical hinge of a suspension bracket; 9 – the lever of the right rotary fist; 10 – an arm
The pendular lever; 11 – the steering mechanism; 12 – a body longeron

Fig. 7.3. System of the hydraulic booster of a steering: 1 – the pump of the hydraulic booster of a steering; 2 – a lining; 3 – a bolt; 4 – a high pressure hose; 5 – a bringing hose; 6 – a stopper of a tank with the index of level of a liquid; 7 – a tank; 8 – a screw collar; 9 – the steering mechanism; 10 – a hose of low pressure

Steering – safety with the steering mechanism 11 (fig. 7.1), representing a worm reducer. The steering mechanism is equipped by the hydraulic booster (fig. 7.3), on a part of cars can be established the electroamplifier (the section «Alternative executions of the car» see). As the variant the car can be not equipped by the steering amplifier.
The steering drive includes three draughts – average 3 (fig. 7.1 see) and two lateral draughts 1, and also сошку 2, the pendular lever 4 with an arm 10 fixed on the right longeron, and rotary levers of 9 rotary fists 7.

Fig. 7.2. Elements of a steering column: 1 – an intermediate shaft with the hinge;
2 – propeller the hinge; 3 – a coupling bolt; 4 – the top casing; 5 – the switch
Ignitions; 6 – a steering wheel; 7 – a steering shaft; 8 – the lever регу
лировки an inclination of a steering column; 9 – a sealing ring; 10 – bottom
Casing; 11 – an arm of a steering column

Shaft of a steering column compound from two parts – an intermediate shaft 1 with the hinge (fig. 7.2) and a shaft 7 steering columns. On the top end of a shaft 7 on conic шлицах the steering wheel 6 is fixed, on the bottom end is established propeller the hinge 2.

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7. A steering
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7.2. Survey and steering check on the car