1. The car device
2. Recommendations about operation
3. Malfunctions in a way
4. The engine
5. Transmission
6. A running gear
7. A steering
7.1. Features of a design
7.2. Survey and steering check on the car
7.3. Check of a tension and adjustment of a belt of a drive of the pump of the hydraulic booster
7.4. Liquid replacement in hydrosystem of the amplifier of a steering
7.5. Replacement of a tank of hydrosystem of the amplifier of a steering
7.6. Prorolling of system of the hydraulic booster of a steering
7.7. Backlash adjustment in gearing of a roller with a worm
7.8. Removal and steering wheel installation
7.9. Replacement of shaft of a steering
7.10. Replacement of steering draughts
7.11. Removal and installation of the steering mechanism
7.12. Removal and installation of the pump of the hydraulic booster
7.13. Removal and installation of the pendular lever
7.14. Dismantling, дефектовка and assemblage of the pendular lever
7.15. Possible malfunctions of a steering without the hydraulic booster, their reasons and ways of elimination
7.16. Possible malfunctions of the hydraulic booster of a steering, their reason and ways of elimination
8. Brake system
9. An electric equipment
10. A body
11. Variants of execution of the car
12. Care of the car
13. Purchase of spare parts
14. A trip on HUNDRED
15. Winter operation of the car
16. Preparation for checkup
17. Appendices


7.16. Possible malfunctions of the hydraulic booster of a steering, their reason and ways of elimination

Cause of defect
Way of elimination
Pump noise on all operating modes
Bearings of a shaft of the pump are worn out
Replace the pump
The raised noise of the hydraulic booster at steering wheel turns
The belt of a drive of the pump of the hydraulic booster revolves
Tighten or replace a belt
Insufficient level of a liquid in a tank owing to what air has got to system
Eliminate leaks of a liquid from system, add a liquid and pump over system (Prorolling of system of the hydraulic booster> see <)
The steering mechanism is faulty
Replace the steering mechanism
The amplifier does not work (the raised effort to a steering wheel)
The filtering element in a tank is littered
Replace a tank in gathering
The belt of a drive of the hydraulic booster revolves
Tighten or replace a belt
Pump valves are littered
Wash out valves
The liquid of the lowered viscosity is filled in
Replace a liquid with the recommended
Unequal effort at steering wheel turn to the right and to the left
The hydrosystem is littered
Wash out hydrosystem and the steering mechanism. Replace a liquid
The steering mechanism (негерметичны valves or are damaged details) is faulty
Replace the steering mechanism
Leak of a liquid from system
Sealing cuffs are worn out
Replace cuffs
Hoses are damaged, collars of their fastening are poorly tightened
Tighten collars, replace hoses
Linings and rubber consolidations of covers of the pump and the steering mechanism are damaged
Replace linings and consolidations
Негерметичны or are lost заглушки technological apertures of the pump
Расчеканьте заглушки for tightness restoration, запрессуйте new instead of lost or replace the pump
Elevated pressure in the system, caused by jamming of the account valve of the pump in the closed position
Eliminate valve jamming (work is recommended to be carried out on СТОА) or replace the pump
The raised level of a liquid in a tank
Pump out a superfluous liquid from a tank

�The previous page
7.15. Possible malfunctions of a steering without the hydraulic booster, their reasons and ways of elimination
The following page
8. Brake system