1. The car device
2. Recommendations about operation
3. Malfunctions in a way
4. The engine
5. Transmission
6. A running gear
7. A steering
7.1. Features of a design
7.2. Survey and steering check on the car
7.3. Check of a tension and adjustment of a belt of a drive of the pump of the hydraulic booster
7.4. Liquid replacement in hydrosystem of the amplifier of a steering
7.5. Replacement of a tank of hydrosystem of the amplifier of a steering
7.6. Prorolling of system of the hydraulic booster of a steering
7.7. Backlash adjustment in gearing of a roller with a worm
7.8. Removal and steering wheel installation
7.9. Replacement of shaft of a steering
7.10. Replacement of steering draughts
7.11. Removal and installation of the steering mechanism
7.12. Removal and installation of the pump of the hydraulic booster
7.13. Removal and installation of the pendular lever
7.14. Dismantling, дефектовка and assemblage of the pendular lever
7.15. Possible malfunctions of a steering without the hydraulic booster, their reasons and ways of elimination
7.16. Possible malfunctions of the hydraulic booster of a steering, their reason and ways of elimination
8. Brake system
9. An electric equipment
10. A body
11. Variants of execution of the car
12. Care of the car
13. Purchase of spare parts
14. A trip on HUNDRED
15. Winter operation of the car
16. Preparation for checkup
17. Appendices


7.2. Survey and steering check on the car

Arrangement on the car of elements of a steering: 1 – the steering mechanism; 2 – the left steering draught; 3 – average steering draught; 4 – the pendular lever; 5 – a tip of the right draught with the spherical hinge in gathering; 6 – the right steering draught

The general check of a steering
Regularly check a steering condition on which traffic safety depends.
At steering survey special attention turn on a condition of protective covers, caps and carving connections. The covers torn, cracked or lost elasticity and caps necessarily replace, differently the water which has got to knots, a dust and a dirt will quickly put them out of action.
Turning for a steering wheel from an emphasis against the stop, check up visually and on hearing:
– Reliability of fastening of the steering mechanism and a steering wheel;
– Whether there is no backlash in hinges of steering draughts;
– Reliability of an inhaling of nuts of fingers of spherical hinges;
– Whether there are no jammings and the hindrances interfering turn of a steering wheel.
1. Check up a condition of protective caps of spherical hinges of steering draughts. Replace the caps torn, cracked or lost elasticity.
2. Sharply turning a steering wheel in both directions (it the assistant should do), check up visually and on hearing fastening of the steering mechanism (mechanism movings on hairpins of fastening and knocks are not supposed).
3. Check up presence люфтов hinges. The hinges having notable люфт, replace.
4. Check up reliability of an inhaling and latching of nuts of fingers of spherical hinges and...
5.... Inhalings of nuts adjusting муфт.
6. For check of a condition of the pendular lever from below the car vigorously shake the pendular lever. Presence люфтов in the pendular lever is not supposed.

Free wheeling check (люфта) a steering wheel
At the increased free wheeling of a steering wheel driving as it with delay reacts to actions of the driver is at a loss. Besides, the increased course which does not manage to be eliminated adjustment of the steering mechanism, testifies to malfunction of a steering (easing of fastening of the steering mechanism, steering draughts and the pendular lever or deterioration of their details).
Check люфта a steering wheel spend on the car established on an equal nonslipping covering. Люфт should not exceed 5 °. At recalculation люфта in linear units (mm) under the formula
L = (5 °/360 °) pD,  where        
Lлюфт a steering wheel, mm;
D – external diameter of a steering wheel, mm.
For a steering wheel with external diameter 400 mm it should make no more than 17 mm.
It be required to you: a ruler, a chalk (or a wire) for drawing of labels.
1. Establish forward wheels in the position corresponding to rectilinear movement.

       THE NOTE
If position of forward wheels corresponds to rectilinear movement, and steering wheel spokes are located not horizontally, it specifies in infringement of adjustments of corners of installation of wheels, presence of defects in a steering or a suspension bracket.

2. Establish a ruler so that its end face rested against the panel of devices, and the ruler edge concerned an external surface of a rim of a steering wheel. Without changing ruler position, turn a steering wheel in any party till the moment of the beginning of turn of forward wheels. In this position put on a rim of a steering wheel a label (fix a wire).
3. Without changing ruler position, turn a steering wheel in other party till the moment of the beginning of turn of forward wheels. In this position put on a steering wheel rim the second label (fix a wire).
4. Measure on a rim distance between labels. It should be no more calculated. If the distance (a steering wheel free wheeling) is more and it does not manage to be finished to norm adjustment (backlash Adjustment in gearing of a roller with a worm »see«), continue check of a steering for definition of the reason of increase in a free wheeling (Survey and steering check see the car »«).

«The previous page
7.1. Features of a design
The following page»
7.3. Check of a tension and adjustment of a belt of a drive of the pump of the hydraulic booster