7.7. Backlash adjustment in gearing of a roller with a wormIf after steering check on the car it will be found out that all its elements are in a normal state, and люфт on a steering wheel is increased, the increased backlash in gearing of a roller with a worm of the steering mechanism can be the reason of its increase. In this case adjust gearing.
It be required to you: a key «on 17», шестигранный a key «on 5».
1. Establish a steering wheel in position of movement of the car on a straight line.
2. A key 1 ослабьте a counternut also keep it. Turning an adjusting bolt with the help шестигранника 2 and slightly shaking a steering wheel for the control люфта, achieve that the free wheeling of a steering wheel did not exceed 17 mm. Free wheeling size measure on a steering wheel rim.
Do not tighten an adjusting bolt too strongly as at the raised friction in the steering mechanism self-stabilisation of forward wheels is not provided during movement and the car constantly deviates a rectilinear trajectory, compelling the driver to "taxi up" continuously.
3. Tighten a counternut and check up a steering wheel free wheeling.
If after free wheeling reduction the effort проворачивания a steering wheel has considerably increased, turn out an adjusting bolt a little, having weakened a counternut, before effort reduction. If after reduction of effort the steering wheel free wheeling left admissible limits and also if mechanism work is accompanied by a scratch and clicks, repair the steering mechanism in a specialised workshop or replace its new. It is not recommended to repair the mechanism independently as it influences traffic safety and at wrong assemblage can jam during operation that will lead to driving loss.