Cause of defect
Way of elimination
Dark stains on all surface of a body
Application for a sink of hot water
(Above 80 °С)
Insignificant damages eliminate polishing, at considerable damages recolour a body
Application leaded gasoline or other corroding substances for removal of a wax covering
Recolour a body
Pink stains on the surfaces painted in light colour
Hit of a cooling liquid
Polish the damaged places
Light stains on the surfaces painted in dark colour
Moisture influence at long storage of the car under an air-tight cover
Polish the damaged places, if necessary recolour a body
Enamel has lost initial shine
Use dry обтирочного a material
Polish the damaged places, if necessary recolour a body
Long influence of the sun
Polish the damaged places, if necessary recolour a body
Application for a sink of a body of the substances corroding a covering
Polish the damaged places, if necessary recolour a body
Water gets into salon
The increased backlash on perimetre of a door with a body
Replace a sealant
The door is not locked
Jamming of mobile details of the lock owing to dust hit
Remove the lock, wash out kerosene and grease with greasing ЦИАТИМ-201 or similar
The door does not open the internal handle
Incomplete course of the lever of an internal drive owing to a draught low speed
Adjust position of the internal handle of a drive of the lock
The cowl lock does not open the handle from salon
Breakage of a cable of a drive of the lock
Replace a cable
The length of a cable of a drive of the lock is great
Adjust length of a cable
Breakage or easing of a spring of the lock
Replace a spring
The cable of a drive of the lock is truncated
Adjust length of a cable
Opusknoe glass is not fixed in the set position
Breakage of a spring brake of the mechanism стеклоподъемника
Replace стеклоподъемник