10.16. Mirrors
Screw-drivers with a flat and crosswise edge be required to you.
1. Remove a decorative overlay of an arm of a mirror, having overcome effort of plastic clamps.
2. Remove a mirror from the arm basis, overcoming effort of a spring clamp.
3. For removal of the basis of an arm turn out two screws of its fastening.
4. Establish a mirror in an order, the return to removal.
It be required to you: круглогубцы, screw-drivers with a flat and crosswise edge.
1. Disconnect a wire from the plug "minus" of the storage battery.
2. Turn out screws of fastening of an armrest.
3. Disconnect pad plaits of wires from switches стеклоподъемника.
4. Remove an internal decorative overlay of the left door, having overcome resistance of plastic clamps.
5. Remove fixing скобу.
6. Turn out three screws of fastening of an external mirror and...
8. Similarly remove the right mirror.
9. Establish details in an order, the return to removal.