1. The car device
2. Recommendations about operation
3. Malfunctions in a way
4. The engine
5. Transmission
6. A running gear
7. A steering
8. Brake system
9. An electric equipment
9.1. Features of a design
9.2. Safety locks and the relay
9.3. The generator
9.4. Possible malfunctions of the generator, their reason and ways of elimination
9.5. A starter
9.6. Possible malfunctions of a starter, their reason and ways of elimination
9.7. The switch (lock) of ignition
9.8. Replacement and service of spark plugs
9.9. A control system of the engine
9.10. Illumination, the light and sound alarm system
9.11. Possible malfunctions of illumination and the light alarm system, their reason and ways of elimination
9.12. Screen wipers
9.13. Possible malfunctions of a screen wiper of a windscreen, their reason and ways of elimination
9.14. Removal and installation of a washer of a windscreen
9.15. Removal and installation of a washer of glass of a door of a back
9.16. The electric motor of the fan of a heater
9.17. Possible malfunctions of the electric motor of the fan of a heater, their reason and ways of elimination
9.18. The electric motor of the fan of system of cooling of the engine
9.19. A combination of devices
9.20. Possible malfunctions of control devices, their reasons and ways of elimination
9.21. Replacement of the block of switches of the proof-reader of headlights and свещения devices
9.22. Replacement of the switch of the alarm system
9.23. Replacement подрулевого the switch
9.24. Replacement of gauges and switches
9.25. Электростеклоподъемники forward doors
9.26. System of blocking of locks of doors
9.27. A heating system of glass of a door of a back
9.28. Automobile anticreeping system (АПС)
10. A body
11. Variants of execution of the car
12. Care of the car
13. Purchase of spare parts
14. A trip on HUNDRED
15. Winter operation of the car
16. Preparation for checkup
17. Appendices


9.1. Features of a design

On the car the electric equipment of a direct current with rated voltage is applied 12 Century
The car electric equipment is executed under the single-wire scheme – negative conclusions of sources and electric power consumers are connected to "weight" which carries out function of the second wire. In turn, "the weight" role carries out a car body.
The majority of chains joins the ignition switch. Are always included (irrespective of position of a key in the ignition switch): a control lamp of automobile anticreeping system, blocking of locks of doors, the alarm system a headlight of headlights, braking signals, external illumination, plafonds of illumination of salon and individual illumination, the alarm system, a sound signal and подкапотная a lamp.
In tab. 9.1 value of each safety lock is given, but on concrete model of the car there can be no some chains specified in the table.

Table 9.1 the Chains protected by fuses
№ a safety lock (a current strength,)
Protected chains
F1 (5 A)
Illumination lamps. A plafond of illumination of a luggage carrier. A podkapotnaja lamp. Lamps of illumination of licence plate. Lamps of forward dimensional fires
F2 (7,5)
Passing light lamp (the left headlight). The electroproof-reader of light of headlights. A motor-reducer of the proof-reader
F3 (10 A)
Headlight lamp (the left headlight)
F4 (10 A)
The left antifog headlight
F5 (3O A)
The relay электростеклоподъемников. Электростеклоподъемники
F6 (15 A)
The block of management of electroblocking of doors
F7 (20 A)
Прикуриватель. The relay of a sound signal. A sound signal
F8 (20 A)
The relay of heating of back glass (contacts). An element of heating of back glass
F9 (20 A)
Lamp of illumination of a ware box. The relay of a cleaner of a windscreen. The switch of a cleaner of a windscreen. The electric motor of a cleaner of a windscreen. The relay фароочистителя (contacts). Electric motors фароочистителей. The electric motor фароомывателя
F11 (5 A)
Lamps of back dimensional fires. A regulator of illumination of devices
F12 (7,5 A)
Passing light lamp (the right headlight). A motor-reducer of the proof-reader (the right headlight)
F13 (10 A)
Headlight lamp (the right headlight)
F14 (10 A)
The right antifog headlight
F15 (2O A)
The management block external mirrors. Management motor-reducers external mirrors
F16 (1O A)
The relay-breaker of indexes of turn and the alarm system (in an alarm system mode)
F17 (7,5 A)
Plafond of individual illumination. A control lamp immobilizerа. Stoplight lamps. An additional signal of braking. A plafond of illumination of salon
F18 (25 A)
Lamps of light of a backing. The heater electrofan. The electric motor of a washer of a windscreen. The relay of heating of back glass (winding). The relay of a cleaner of back glass. The electric motor of a cleaner of back glass. The electric motor of a washer of back glass. The block of management of blocking of doors
F19 (10 A)
The relay-breaker of indexes of turn and the alarm system (in a mode of instructions of turn). A combination of devices. A control lamp of inclusion of blocking of differential
Back antifog lanterns

Any works with a car electric equipment make only at the disconnected storage battery.
To disconnect or connect the storage battery it is possible only at the switched off ignition.
At check of chains of an electric equipment it is forbidden to close on "weight" of a wire (to check serviceability of chains «on a spark») as it can lead to failure of elements of an electric equipment.
It is forbidden to apply the safety locks not provided by a design of the car or calculated on больший a current, and also to use instead of safety locks a wire.
At replacement of safety locks it is forbidden to apply screw-drivers and the metal tool as it can lead to short circuit in electric equipment chains.
It is forbidden to disconnect the storage battery on the working engine as it will lead to failure of a regulator of pressure and elements of the electronic equipment of the car.
In order to avoid failure of diodes выпрямительного the block it is forbidden to check them мегомметром or the control lamp fed with pressure more 12 In, and also to check such devices of a chain of an electric equipment on the car without a detachment of wires from the generator.
To check resistance of isolation of a winding статора the generator the raised pressure it is necessary on the generator which has been removed from the car, at disconnected from выпрямительного the block winding conclusions статора.
At carrying out of electrowelding works on the car it is necessary to disconnect wires from plugs of the storage battery and the generator.
Do not concern elements of system of ignition and high-voltage wires on the working engine.
It is forbidden to check working capacity of system of ignition «on a spark» between tips of high-voltage wires and "weight" as it will lead to failure of elements of the electronic equipment.
Do not lay a low voltage wire in one plait with the high-voltage.
Regularly clear plugs of the storage battery and tips of wires of oxides and a dirt.
At additional charge of the storage battery with the help зарядного devices disconnect wires from battery plugs

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9. An electric equipment
The following page»
9.2. Safety locks and the relay