1. The car device
2. Recommendations about operation
3. Malfunctions in a way
4. The engine
5. Transmission
6. A running gear
7. A steering
8. Brake system
9. An electric equipment
9.1. Features of a design
9.2. Safety locks and the relay
9.3. The generator
9.4. Possible malfunctions of the generator, their reason and ways of elimination
9.5. A starter
9.6. Possible malfunctions of a starter, their reason and ways of elimination
9.7. The switch (lock) of ignition
9.8. Replacement and service of spark plugs
9.9. A control system of the engine
9.10. Illumination, the light and sound alarm system
9.11. Possible malfunctions of illumination and the light alarm system, their reason and ways of elimination
9.12. Screen wipers
9.13. Possible malfunctions of a screen wiper of a windscreen, their reason and ways of elimination
9.14. Removal and installation of a washer of a windscreen
9.15. Removal and installation of a washer of glass of a door of a back
9.16. The electric motor of the fan of a heater
9.17. Possible malfunctions of the electric motor of the fan of a heater, their reason and ways of elimination
9.18. The electric motor of the fan of system of cooling of the engine
9.19. A combination of devices
9.20. Possible malfunctions of control devices, their reasons and ways of elimination
9.21. Replacement of the block of switches of the proof-reader of headlights and свещения devices
9.22. Replacement of the switch of the alarm system
9.23. Replacement подрулевого the switch
9.24. Replacement of gauges and switches
9.25. Электростеклоподъемники forward doors
9.26. System of blocking of locks of doors
9.27. A heating system of glass of a door of a back
9.28. Automobile anticreeping system (АПС)
10. A body
11. Variants of execution of the car
12. Care of the car
13. Purchase of spare parts
14. A trip on HUNDRED
15. Winter operation of the car
16. Preparation for checkup
17. Appendices


9.3. The generator

Features of a design
The generator of type 9402.3701-01 of an alternating current, three-phase, with built in выпрямительным the block and an electronic regulator of pressure, the right rotation (from outside a drive).

       THE NOTE
The generator established on the car, used for photographing, has a drive клиновым a belt. Works on repair are shown on an example of the generator with многоручьевым a pulley. All elements of both generators, except pulleys, are absolutely identical.

The generator anchor is resulted in rotation from a pulley коленчатного a shaft клиновым or (depending on an execution variant) поликлиновым by a belt.

Fig. 9.3. The generator 9402.3701-01: 1 – выпрямительный the block; 2 – the bearing plug;
3 – the back bearing of a shaft of a rotor; 4 – contact rings; 5 – the protective plug; 6 – a conclusion «In +» the generator; 7 – a lining; 8 – a casing; 9 – a regulator
Pressure with щеткодержателем; 10 – the coupling screw; 11 – a back cover; 12 – статор; 13 – a forward cover; 14 – a remote ring; 15 – the forward bearing; 16 – a pulley; 17 – a washer; 18 – a rotor

Статор 12 (fig. 9.3) and covers 11 and 13 are pulled together by four screws. The shaft of a rotor 18 rotates in bearings 3 and 15 which are established in covers. A food is brought to a rotor winding (an excitation winding) through brushes and contact rings 4.
The three-phase alternating current induced in a winding статора, will be transformed in constant выпрямительным by the block 1 attached to a cover 11. The electronic regulator of 9 pressure is united in one block with щеткодержателем and attached also to a cover 11.

Fig. 9.4. The scheme of connections of system of the generator: 1 – the storage battery; 2 – the generator; 3 – a control lamp of a charge of the storage battery, located in a combination of devices; 4 – the assembly block; 5 – the ignition switch

The scheme of connections of the generator is shown on fig. 9.4. Pressure for generator excitation at ignition inclusion is brought to a conclusion «D +» a regulator (a conclusion «D» the generator) through the control lamp 3 located in a combination of devices. After start-up of the engine the excitation winding eats from three additional diodes established on выпрямительном the block of the generator.
The conclusion «W» the generator on cars of family VAZ-2123 is not used.
Generator work is supervised by a control lamp in a combination of devices. At inclusion of ignition the lamp should burn, and after engine start-up – to die away, if the generator is serviceable. Bright burning of a lamp or a luminescence dimly tells it about malfunctions.

Generator technical characteristics
The maximum current strength of return (at 13 In and 6000 mines-1), And
Limits of adjustable pressure, In
The transfer relation
The engine-generator

If in a way the generator belt has torn, and spare you have forgotten houses, temporarily replace it the ring in width of 20 mm, cut out of an old inner tube can. To lower current consumption at movement of the car with the faulty generator, whenever possible disconnect a radio receiver, superfluous devices of illumination, the heater fan, heating has flown down, etc.

Removal and generator installation
1. Disconnect a wire from the plug «–» the storage battery.
2. Disconnect колодку with a wire from a conclusion «D» the generator.
3. Remove a protective cover...
4.... Turn away a nut and disconnect wires from a contact bolt (a conclusion «In +»).
5. Turn away a nut of a bolt of fastening of the generator to a tension lath and...
6.... Take out a bolt.
7. Turn away a nut of a bolt of the bottom fastening of the generator.
8. Remove a belt of a drive of the generator.
9. Take out a bolt and by means of an assembly shovel deduce the generator from an arm.
10. Remove the generator.
11. Establish the generator in an order, the return to removal. After installation adjust a tension of a belt of a drive of the generator (Adjustment of a tension and replacement of a belt of a drive of the generator and the water pump »see«).

Generator repair
It be required to you: keys «on 10», screw-drivers with crosswise and flat edges, an ohmmeter (autotester), a control lamp.
1. Remove the generator from the car (Removal and generator installation »see«).

Fig. 9.5. Generator details: 1 – a nut; 2 – a washer; 3 – a pulley; 4 – a forward cover; 5 – a remote ring; 6 – a rotor; 7 – статор; 8 – a back cover;
9 – a casing; 10 – a lining; 11 – the protective plug; 12 – выпрямительный the block with the condenser; 13 – щеткодержатель with a pressure regulator

2. Mark a relative positioning of covers 4 and 8 (fig. 9.5) the generator.
3. Wring out three latches.
4. Remove a plastic casing.
5. Turn out two screws of fastening of a regulator of pressure.
6. Remove a regulator of pressure with щеткодержателем...
7.... Having disconnected a wire from the regulator plug.
8. Turn out four screws of fastening выпрямительного the block and the screw of fastening of the condenser.
9. Unbend three conclusions of a winding статора so that they have given the chance to remove выпрямительный the block.
10. Remove выпрямительный the block with the condenser.
11. For condenser replacement turn away a nut of a contact bolt, remove a washer and распорную the plug. Remove from a contact bolt a tip of a wire of the condenser.
12. Turn out four coupling screws (screws are tightened by the big moment). Under heads of screws spring and flat washers are established.
13. Having hooked a screw-driver, uncover the generator from outside contact rings.
14. Clamp a generator rotor in a vice (not too strongly that the rotor was not turned) and turn away a nut of fastening of a pulley. Remove a spring washer and a pulley.
15. Remove a persistent washer.
16. Take out a rotor from a cover from outside a drive.
17. Remove from a rotor shaft a remote ring.
18. Examine contact rings. If on them there are teases, risks, scratches, wear tracks from brushes, etc., rings it is necessary прошлифовать. If damage of rings does not manage to be deduced a skin, it is possible to pierce rings on a lathe, removing the minimum layer of metal, and then прошлифовать.
19. Check up an ohmmeter (tester) resistance of a winding of a rotor, having connected it to contact rings. If the ohmmeter shows infinity, means, in windings breakage and it is necessary to replace a rotor.
20. Check up a control lamp, whether there is no winding short circuit on the rotor case. For this purpose include a control lamp in a network of an alternating current a voltage of 220 V (it is possible to use the storage battery and a lamp 12). One wire connect to the rotor case, and the second – serially on each ring. In both cases the lamp should not burn. If at least in one case the lamp burns, means, there is a short circuit and it is necessary to replace a rotor.
21. Examine статор. On an internal surface статора there should not be traces задевания anchors about статор. If there is a deterioration, it is necessary to replace bearings or generator covers.
22. Check up, whether there is no breakage in a winding статора. For this purpose include a control lamp in a network of an alternating current a voltage of 220 V (it is possible to use the storage battery and a lamp 12). Serially connect a control lamp between all conclusions of a winding. In all three cases the lamp should burn. If the lamp does not light up, there was a breakage in a winding. Replace статор or a winding.
23. Check up, whether there is no short circuit of windings статора on the case. For this purpose include a control lamp in a network of an alternating current a voltage of 220 V (it is possible to use the storage battery and a lamp 12). Connect a lamp to a winding conclusion статора, and a wire from a current source to the case статора. If the lamp lights up, means, there is a short circuit: it is necessary to replace статор or a winding.
24. Examine a generator cover from outside a drive in gathering with the bearing. If at bearing rotation the rift or jamming of bodies качения is felt люфт between rings, protective rings are damaged or there are traces подтекания greasings, and also cracks in a cover, especially in places of fastening of the generator are found out, it is necessary to replace a cover in gathering with the bearing (the bearing in a cover завальцован).
25. Check up ease of rotation of the bearing from outside contact rings. If at bearing rotation the rift or jamming of bodies качения is felt люфт between rings, protective rings are damaged or there are traces подтекания greasings, it is necessary to replace the bearing. For this purpose by means of a stripper press the bearing from a shaft of a rotor and press on new by means of approaching send, putting effort to an internal ring of the bearing.
26. Examine a generator cover from outside contact rings. At detection of cracks it is necessary to replace a cover.

Fig. 9.6. The scheme for check of a regulator of pressure: 1 – a control lamp; 2 – a conclusion "weight" of a regulator of pressure; 3 – a conclusion «DF» a pressure regulator; 4 – a pressure regulator;
5 – a conclusion «D +» a pressure regulator; And – to the power supply

27. Check up serviceability of a regulator of pressure (fig. 9.6 see).

28. Check up serviceability of the condenser. Damage of the condenser or easing of its fastening on the generator (deterioration of contact to weight) is found out on increase in hindrances to radio reception at the working engine. The condenser can be checked up мегомметром or a tester. If in the condenser there is no breakage at the moment of joining щупов the device to conclusions of the condenser of the marksman should deviate towards resistance reduction, and then gradually return back.
29. To check up выпрямительный the block it is possible as on the removed generator, and without removing the generator from the car. A procedure for test identical. For descriptive reasons check schemes are shown on the removed generator. For check on the car disconnect wires from the storage battery and the generator, and also remove колодку with a wire from the plug of a regulator of pressure.
So diodes выпрямительного the generator bridge are located: 1 – positive diodes (with a red label on the case); 2 – negative diodes (with a black label on the case); 3 – additional diodes.
30. Remove щеткодержатель from the generator.
31. Check up diodes выпрямительного the block by means of a control lamp 12 In and the storage battery. For short circuit check in positive and negative diodes connect «+» batteries through a control lamp to a conclusion «In +» the generator, and «–» batteries – to the generator case. The lamp should not to burn; if burns, means, there is a short circuit. It is necessary to replace the block.
32. For check of positive diodes connect «+» the storage battery through a control lamp to a conclusion «In +» the generator, and a wire going from «–» the storage battery, – to one of screws of fastening of a conclusion of a winding статора. The lamp should not to burn; if burns, means, there is a short circuit in positive diodes. It is necessary to replace the block.
33. For check of negative diodes connect «+» the storage battery through a control lamp to one of screws of fastening of a conclusion of a winding статора, and a wire going from «–» the storage battery, – to the generator case. The lamp should not to burn; if burns, means, there is a short circuit in negative diodes. It is necessary to replace the block.
34. For check of additional diodes connect «+» the storage battery through a control lamp to contact connecting pad a pressure regulator, and a wire going from «–» the storage battery, – to one of screws of fastening of a conclusion of a winding статора. The lamp should not to burn; if burns, means, there is a short circuit in additional diodes. It is necessary to replace the block.
35. Collect the generator in an order, the return to removal. Thus сориентируйте generator covers according to earlier made labels. A spring washer of a pulley of the generator establish the convex party to a nut. Tighten a nut the moment 39–62 Н·м (3,9–6,2 кгс·м).

«The previous page
9.2. Safety locks and the relay
The following page»
9.4. Possible malfunctions of the generator, their reason and ways of elimination