1. The car device
2. Recommendations about operation
3. Malfunctions in a way
4. The engine
4.1. Features of a design
4.2. A good advice
4.3. Removal and installation of a decorative casing of the engine
4.4. Removal and installation of protection oil crankcase and an engine mudguard
4.5. Replacement of a cooling liquid
4.6. Oil replacement in the engine and the oil filter
4.7. Clearing of system of ventilation crankcase
4.8. Replacement of support of a suspension bracket of the power unit
4.9. Installation of the piston of the fourth cylinder in position ВМТ of a step of compression
4.10. Check and installation of phases timing on labels
4.11. Replacement натяжителя chains of a drive of a camshaft
4.12. Replacement успокоителя chains of a drive of a camshaft
4.13. Boot replacement натяжителя chains of a drive of a camshaft
4.14. Replacement of a chain of a drive of a camshaft
4.15. Replacement of hydrosupport of levers of a drive of valves
4.16. Removal, installation and дефектовка a flywheel
4.17. Replacement of the forward bearing of a primary shaft of a transmission
4.18. Replacement of details of consolidation of the engine
4.19. Camshaft replacement
4.20. A head of the block of cylinders
4.21. Removal and engine installation
4.22. Engine repair
4.23. Greasing system
4.24. Cooling system
4.25. System of release of the fulfilled gases
4.26. The power supply system
4.27. Possible malfunctions of the engine, their reason and ways of elimination
5. Transmission
6. A running gear
7. A steering
8. Brake system
9. An electric equipment
10. A body
11. Variants of execution of the car
12. Care of the car
13. Purchase of spare parts
14. A trip on HUNDRED
15. Winter operation of the car
16. Preparation for checkup
17. Appendices


4.23. Greasing system

Features of a design
System of greasing of the engine combined – under pressure are greased radical and connecting rod bearings of a cranked shaft, bearings of a camshaft, a shaft of a drive of the oil pump, and also screw gear wheels of a drive of the oil pump. Other details of system are greased разбрызгиванием.
The oil pump шестеренчатого type, one-section, is resulted from a shaft of a drive of the oil pump in pair screw gear wheels.
Oil полнопоточным is cleared by the oil filter.
Supervise a condition of system of greasing by means of an alarm lamp of emergency pressure drop.
Hydrosupport of levers of a drive of valves also are connected to greasing system and pruzhinno-hydraulic натяжитель chains.

Fig. 4.11. Greasing system: 1 – the channel of giving of oil to the radical bearing; 2 – the channel of giving of oil from the radical bearing to шатунному; 3 – перепускной the valve of the oil filter; 4 – a filtering element; 5 – противодренажный the valve; 6 – the oil pump; 7 – the channel of giving of oil from the pump to the filter; 8 – the channel of giving of oil from the filter in an oil highway; 9 – the channel of giving of oil to a gear wheel of a drive of the pump; 10 – the channel of giving of oil to the platen of a drive of the oil pump; 11 – the platen of a drive of the oil pump; 12 – a camshaft; 13 – ring bore on an average basic neck the distributor ного a shaft; 14 – the channel in a camshaft cam; 15 – the channel in a basic neck of a camshaft; 16 – the vertical channel in the block of cylinders for oil giving to the mechanism азораспределения; 17 – an oil highway; 18 – the gauge of an alarm lamp of emergency pressure drop of oil

The device of system of greasing is shown on fig. 4.11.

       THE NOTE
Replacement of oil and the oil filter is described in the beginning of section 4 "Engine".

Removal and installation of the oil pump
Necessity for removal of the oil pump arises at following malfunctions of the engine:
– Insufficient pressure of oil idling on the heated-up engine (hit under редукционный the valve of pressure of oil of extraneous particles, deterioration of gear wheels of the pump). If pressure has sharply fallen after arrival to an obstacle, caused deformation crankcase, breakage of a reception branch pipe is possible;
– Excessive pressure of oil upon the heated-up engine (jamming редукционного the valve).
It be required to you: keys «on 10», «on 13» (face heads), the extension piece, cardan shafts hinges.

Work carry out on the lift or a viewing ditch.

1. Remove protection oil crankcase and an engine mudguard (Removal and installation of protection oil crankcase and an engine mudguard »see«).
2. Merge oil from crankcase the engine (oil Replacement in the engine and the oil filter »see«).
3. Will hang out the engine, having disconnected fastening of pillows of its support, turn out bolts of fastening oil crankcase and take away it downwards that access to the oil pump (has opened more in detail Replacement of a lining oil crankcase ») see«.
4. Turn out two bolts of fastening of the pump and remove the pump.

Pay attention – bolts of fastening of the pump of different length. At pump installation establish bolts on former places.

5. If the lining remained on the pump case, remove it.
6. If the lining has torn at pump removal, carefully clear привалочную a plane of the block of cylinders and a flange of the pump of the lining rests
7. Establish the new or repaired pump in an order, the return to removal.

       THE NOTE
If establish the new pump, replace a lining as it is pressed out on a flange of the case of the pump and its deformed places can not coincide with the form of a flange of the new pump that will cause an oil leak.

Repair of the oil pump
It be required to you: a key «on 10», a set flat щупов, a ruler.
1. Turn out three bolts of fastening of a reception branch pipe to the pump case.

Pay attention – one of bolts of fastening of a branch pipe more shortly others. At pump assemblage establish it on a former place.

2. Clamp the pump case in a vice, remove a reception branch pipe and a washer редукционного the valve.
3. For clearing of a reception branch pipe and its grid unbend edges of a grid and...
4.... Remove a grid.
5. Remove a spring редукционного the valve...
6.... редукционный the valve and...
7.... A cover.
8. Take out a leading gear wheel with the platen from the case.
9. Remove a conducted gear wheel from an axis in the case.
10. The removed details wash out kerosene, blow a stream of compressed air and check up their condition.
11. Define (calculation by results of measurement of diameters) a backlash between a conducted gear wheel and its axis. It should be 0,017–0,057 mm (maximum permissible – 0,1 mm).
12. Measure flat щупом a backlash between teeths of gear wheels: there should be 0,15 mm (maximum permissible – 0,25 mm).
13. Measure flat щупом a backlash between external diameters of gear wheels and the case: there should be 0,15 mm (maximum permissible – 0,25 mm).

14. Measure flat щупом, having put to a plane a ruler, a backlash between end faces of gear wheels and a case plane: there should be 0,161–0,166 mm (maximum permissible – 0,2 mm).
15. At проворачивании the leading platen a gear wheel hand should rotate smoothly and without jammings. Having measured diameters of the platen and an aperture in the pump case, define a backlash between basic surfaces of the platen and the case. The backlash should be 0,016–0,055 mm (maximum permissible – 0,1 mm).
16. Examine редукционный the valve. On the surfaces interfaced to a cover of the pump, there should not be damages (забоин, agnails), causing pressure decrease in system, and also pollution or adjournment which can lead to valve jamming.
17. Examine a spring редукционного the valve. It should not have mechanical damages. At possibility check up elasticity of a spring: the spring height should be equal 20 mm at vertical loading 60,4–65,2 Н (6,15–6,65 кгс). Spring height in a free condition – 38 mm.
18. Examine a cover. On the surfaces interfaced with редукционным by the valve, the case and a reception branch pipe, there should not be damages (забоин, agnails), and also pollution or adjournment which can lead to pressure reduction in system and to valve jamming.
19. If on картере the engine there are traces of blows, especially attentively examine a reception branch pipe. Cracks and mechanical damages are not supposed. Clear of a dirt and wash out uajt-spiritom a grid of a reception branch pipe. If the grid does not manage to be cleared or it is damaged, replace it or маслоприемник.
20. Replace the worn out or damaged details. Observing the maximum cleanliness at assemblage, establish the removed details and the pump in an order, the return to removal. Do not forget to fill in oil in the engine.

Replacement of a gear wheel of a drive of the oil pump
Gear wheel of a drive of the oil pump replace at deterioration of its teeths, and also at damage or deterioration шлицев by which the gear wheel is connected to the platen of the oil pump. In the latter case because of проворачивания gear wheels on the platen probably sharp pressure drop in greasing system, up to its total disappearance.
It be required to you: a key «on 13», a screw-driver, a wooden stick.
1. Turn away a fastening nut заглушки...
2.... Take out from the holder of an arm a tube of a supply of oil to натяжителю chains of a drive of a camshaft and remove an arm.
3. Hook a screw-driver заглушку and...
4.... Take заглушку from an assembly aperture in the block of cylinders.
5. Insert with a tightness into a gear wheel aperture the pointed stick and, accurately having removed a gear wheel from the platen of a drive of the oil pump, take it from an assembly aperture.
6. Establish a gear wheel and the removed details in an order, the return to removal.

«The previous page
4.22. Engine repair
The following page»
4.24. Cooling system