1. The car device
2. Recommendations about operation
3. Malfunctions in a way
4. The engine
4.1. Features of a design
4.2. A good advice
4.3. Removal and installation of a decorative casing of the engine
4.4. Removal and installation of protection oil crankcase and an engine mudguard
4.5. Replacement of a cooling liquid
4.6. Oil replacement in the engine and the oil filter
4.7. Clearing of system of ventilation crankcase
4.8. Replacement of support of a suspension bracket of the power unit
4.9. Installation of the piston of the fourth cylinder in position ВМТ of a step of compression
4.10. Check and installation of phases timing on labels
4.11. Replacement натяжителя chains of a drive of a camshaft
4.12. Replacement успокоителя chains of a drive of a camshaft
4.13. Boot replacement натяжителя chains of a drive of a camshaft
4.14. Replacement of a chain of a drive of a camshaft
4.15. Replacement of hydrosupport of levers of a drive of valves
4.16. Removal, installation and дефектовка a flywheel
4.17. Replacement of the forward bearing of a primary shaft of a transmission
4.18. Replacement of details of consolidation of the engine
4.19. Camshaft replacement
4.20. A head of the block of cylinders
4.21. Removal and engine installation
4.22. Engine repair
4.23. Greasing system
4.24. Cooling system
4.25. System of release of the fulfilled gases
4.26. The power supply system
4.27. Possible malfunctions of the engine, their reason and ways of elimination
5. Transmission
6. A running gear
7. A steering
8. Brake system
9. An electric equipment
10. A body
11. Variants of execution of the car
12. Care of the car
13. Purchase of spare parts
14. A trip on HUNDRED
15. Winter operation of the car
16. Preparation for checkup
17. Appendices


4.26. The power supply system

Features of a design
The power supply system structure includes elements of following systems:

Fig. 4.17. System топливоподачи: 1 – an arm of fastening of hoses; 2 – an electrogasoline pump; 3 – a bulk pipe; 4 – a fuel tank;
5 – a taking away tube of a fuel stage; 6 – a bringing tube of a fuel stage; 7 – an atomizer; 8 – a fuel stage; 9 – a regulator of pressure of fuel; 10 – an arm of fastening of the fuel filter; 11 – the fuel filter;
12 – fuel hoses; 13 – fuel tubes

– The system of giving of fuel including a fuel tank 4 (fig. 4.17), an electrogasoline pump 2, pipelines 5, 6 and 13, hoses 12, a fuel stage 8 with atomizers 7 and a regulator of pressure of fuel 9, and also the fuel filter 11;

Fig. 4.18. An arrangement of elements of the power supply system in подкапотном space: 1 – the air filter; 2 – воздухоподающий a branch pipe; 3 – throttle knot; 4 – an adsorber of system of catching of steams of fuel; 5 – the fuel filter; 6 – топливопроводы; 7 – a regulator of pressure of fuel; 8 – a fuel stage with atomizers

– Systems воздухоподачи, including the air filter 1 (fig. 4.18), воздухоподающий a branch pipe 2, throttle knot 3;
– Systems of catching of steams of the fuel, including an adsorber 4 and connecting pipelines.
Basic feature of the power supply system of the engine VAZ-2123 is absence in it of the carburettor combining functions смесеобразования and dispensing of giving топливовоздушной of a mix in cylinders of the engine. In the system of the distributed injection established on the given engine, these functions are divided – atomizers carry out the dosed out injection of fuel in an inlet pipe, and giving necessary during each moment of work of the engine of air is carried out by the system consisting of throttle knot and a regulator of idling.
Management of system of injection of fuel and ignition system is carried out by the electronic block of engine management continuously supervising by means of corresponding gauges size of loading of the engine, speed of movement of the car, a thermal condition of the engine, an optimality of process of combustion in engine cylinders. Such way of management gives the chance to provide optimum structure of a gas mixture during each concrete moment of work of the engine that allows to receive the maximum capacity at is minimum possible expense of fuel and low toxicity of the fulfilled gases. The power supply system represents an indissoluble part of a control system of the engine (more in detail the control system is described in section 9 "Electric equipment").
The fuel tank 4 - (fig. 4.17 see) welded, stamped, is fixed in a luggage space by bolts and nuts. In the top part of a fuel tank the electric fuel pump united with the gauge of level of fuel is established. From the pump fuel moves in the fuel filter established in a motor compartment, and therefrom arrives in the fuel stage of the engine fixed on an inlet pipe of the engine. From a fuel stage fuel is injected by atomizers into an inlet pipe. Surpluses of fuel through a regulator of pressure of the fuel, established on the back end of a fuel stage, merge in a fuel tank.
The fuel pump 2 with the electric drive, two-level, роторного type, is established in a fuel tank that reduces possibility of formation of steam stoppers as fuel moves under pressure, instead of under the influence of depression. It provides giving of fuel under the pressure of more 284 кПа. The fuel filter 11 is built in submitting highway between an electrogasoline pump and a fuel stage and established in a motor compartment on a board передка bodies. The filter – not folding, has the steel case with a paper filtering element. The stage of 8 atomizers represents a hollow lath with the atomizers established on it and a regulator of pressure of fuel. The stage of atomizers is fixed on an inlet pipe. On the back end of a stage there is a valve for the control of pressure of the fuel, the closed carving stopper.
Atomizers 7 -
Are attached to a stage from which to them fuel moves, and the sprays enter into apertures of an inlet pipe. In apertures of a stage and an inlet pipe of an atomizer are condensed by rubber sealing rings. The atomizer represents the electromechanical valve in which the needle запорного the valve is pressed to a saddle by a spring. At giving of an electric impulse from the management block on a winding of an electromagnet the needle rises and opens a spray aperture, through which fuel moves in an inlet pipe of the engine. The quantity of fuel injected by an atomizer, depends on duration of an electric impulse.
The regulator of 9 pressure of fuel - is established on a fuel stage and intended for maintenance of constant pressure difference between pressure of air in an inlet pipe and pressure of fuel in a stage.

Fig. 4.19. A regulator of pressure of fuel:
1 – the case; 2 – a cover; 3 – a branch pipe for a vacuum hose; 4 – a diaphragm; 5 – the valve; And – a fuel cavity; – a vacuum cavity

The regulator consists of the valve 5 (fig. 4.19) with a diaphragm 4, drawn in by a spring to a saddle in the regulator case. On the working engine the regulator supports pressure in a stage of atomizers within 284–325 кПа.
On a regulator diaphragm pressure of fuel, and with another – pressure (depression) in an inlet pipe on the one hand operates. At pressure reduction in an inlet pipe (throttle заслонка it is closed) the regulator valve opens at smaller pressure of fuel, перепуская superfluous fuel on a drain highway back in a tank.
Pressure of fuel in a stage goes down. At pressure increase in an inlet pipe (at opening throttle заслонки) the regulator valve opens already at большем pressure of fuel and pressure of fuel in a stage raises.
The air filter 1 - (fig. 4.18 see) is established in a forward part of a motor compartment on rubber support. A filtering element – paper, flat, with the big area of a filtering surface. The filter is connected to throttle knot goffered воздухоподающим a branch pipe, two-piece. Between a branch pipe and the filter the gauge of the mass expense of air (�the Control system of the engine� more in detail see) is established.

Fig. 4.20. Throttle knot: 1 – a branch pipe of a supply of a cooling liquid; 2 – a branch pipe of system of ventilation crankcase idling; 3 – a branch pipe
For tap of a cooling liquid; 4 – the gauge of position throttle заслонки; 5 – an idling regulator; 6 – the union for an adsorber purge

The throttle knot 3 - (fig. 4.18) is fixed on a receiver. It doses out quantity of air arriving in an inlet pipe. Air receipt in the engine operates throttle заслонка, connected to a drive of a pedal of an accelerator. Into structure of a throttle branch pipe enter the gauge 4 (fig. 4.20) positions throttle заслонки and a regulator 5 idlings. In a flowing part of a throttle branch pipe (before throttle заслонкой and behind it) there are apertures of selection the depression necessary for work of system of ventilation crankcase and an adsorber of system of catching of steams of gasoline.
Idling regulator
5 - (fig. 4.20 see) regulates frequency of rotation of a cranked shaft on an idling mode, operating quantity of submitted air bypassing closed throttle заслонки. It consists of the bipolar step-by-step electric motor and connected with it конусного the valve. The valve is put forward or cleaned on controller signals. When the regulator needle is completely put forward (that corresponds 0 steps), the valve completely blocks air pass. When the needle is moved, the expense of air proportional to quantity of steps of a withdrawal of a needle from a saddle is provided.

So the adsorber of system of catching of steams of fuel is established in a motor compartment:
1 – an adsorber; 2 – the electromagnetic valve of a purge of an adsorber; 3 – connecting hoses.
In system of catching of steams of fuel the method of absorption of steams by a coal adsorber 4 (fig. 4.18 see) is applied. It is established in a motor compartment and connected by pipelines to a fuel tank and a throttle branch pipe. On an adsorber cover the electromagnetic valve of a purge of an adsorber by which on signals of the block of engine management system operating modes are switched is located. When the engine does not work, the electromagnetic valve is closed also steams of gasoline from a fuel tank on the pipeline go to an adsorber where they are absorbed by the granulated activated coal. At the working engine the adsorber is blown by air and steams are sucked away to throttle knot, and then in an inlet pipe for burning during working process.
The controller operates an adsorber purge, including the electromagnetic valve located on a cover of an adsorber. At giving on the valve of pressure it opens, letting off steam in an inlet pipe. The valve on a method of pulse-width modulation copes. The valve joins and switched off with frequency of 16 times in a second (16 Hz). The above air expense, the is more duration of impulses of inclusion of the valve. The controller includes the valve of a purge of an adsorber at performance of all following conditions:
– Temperature of a cooling liquid above 75 �С;
– Speed of the car exceeds 10 km/h. After inclusion of the valve the criterion of speed varies. The valve will be disconnected only at decrease in speed to 7 km/h;
– Opening throttle заслонки exceeds 4 %. This factor has further no value if it does not exceed 99 %. At full opening throttle заслонки the controller disconnects the valve of a purge of an adsorber.
Malfunctions of system of catching of steams of fuel involve instability of idling, the engine stop, the raised toxicity of the fulfilled gases and deterioration of rideable qualities of the car.
Following malfunctions of system are possible:
– Malfunction of the electromagnetic valve of a purge;
– Adsorber damage;
– Overflow of the adsorber typing more 60 г of fuel (weight of a new adsorber no more than 1,1 kg);
– Damages or wrong connection of hoses.

Pressure decrease in the power supply system

In the power supply system of the engine with injection of fuel pressure makes 30 МПа (3 kgs/sm2). Therefore it is forbidden to weaken connections топливопроводов in an operating time of the engine or right after its stop. For work on power supply system repair on just stopped engine it is necessary to lower preliminary pressure in the power supply system. Through 2–3 ч after a stop of the engine pressure in system falls practically to zero.

The key �on 10� (it is desirable face) is required to you.
To lower pressure in the power supply system it is possible in two ways.
1. At the first way in salon turn away a nut of a cover of the block of engine management and...
2.... Uncover.
3. Take an electrogasoline pump safety lock.
4. Start up the engine and allow to it to work before full development of fuel from топливопровода. After that the engine will decay.
5. Insert into place a safety lock.
For pressure decrease also it is possible to use the control valve established on the back end of a fuel stage and closed by a plastic cap. The valve has a design similar to a zolotnik of the gate of the tyre of a wheel.
6. Turn away a cap and, having pressed a zolotnik, merge surplus of fuel.
7. After that it is possible to separate топливопроводы.

Be cautious – fuel being under a high pressure will leave in the form of the sprayed torch.

Replacement of a filtering element of the air filter
Replacement of a filtering element of the air filter is regulated – through each 30 000 km of run. However its condition depends on car service conditions: on more dusty and polluted roads the element gets littered faster.
The screw-driver is required to you.

       THE NOTE
For convenience of work remove a decorative casing of the engine (Removal and installation of a decorative casing of the engine �see�) and disconnect колодку a plait of wires from the gauge of the mass expense of air.

1. Turn out four screws of fastening of a cover of the filter...
2.... Raise a cover and take out from it filtering element.
3. Establish in a cover a new filtering element, сориентировав it the same as was сориентирован former (pay attention to a direction гофр of an element).
4. Establish a filter cover together with a filtering element and wrap screws of its fastening.

Removal and installation of the air filter
The air filter remove for access reception to other units in a motor compartment, and also at its damage.
It be required to you: keys �on 8� and �on 10� (it is desirable face), a screw-driver.
1. Remove a decorative casing of the engine (Removal and installation of a decorative casing of the engine �see�).
2. Ослабьте a collar of fastening also disconnect from the gauge of the mass expense of air the left part воздухоподводящего a branch pipe and take her aside.
3. Turn out on two bolts of fastening forward and...
4.... Back filter arms.
5. Remove the filter together with arms and the gauge of the mass expense of air.
6. In need of filter replacement remove from it the gauge of the mass expense of air, having turned out two bolts of fastening.
7. For a detachment of arms from the case of the filter for the purpose of their installation on the new filter squeeze out heads of rubber support of the filter from apertures of arms, having greased them for simplification of dismantle with engine oil.

       THE NOTE
The Manufacturer recommends to cut off support a knife. In this case it is necessary to replace their new.

8. Establish on the new filter all removed knots and details and establish the filter on the car in sequence, return to removal.

Replacement of the fuel filter
Replacement of the filter of thin clearing of fuel is regulated – through each 30 000 km of run. However its condition depends on quality of gasoline: the more untidily gasoline, the the filter gets littered faster. Jerks at car movement at first on high, and then and on the lowered speeds with a high probability testify to a filter contamination.
The filter is established in a motor compartment on a board передка bodies on the right side.
The key �on 10� is required to you.
1. Lower pressure in the power supply system (Pressure decrease in the power supply system �see�).
2. Ослабьте a coupling bolt of an arm of fastening of the filter.

       THE NOTE
Filter replacement is shown with the adsorber of system of catching of steams of fuel removed for descriptive reasons.

3. Wring out a spring clamp and...
4.... Remove from a branch pipe of the filter a tip of a fuel hose.
5. Similarly disconnect the second hose and...
6.... Take the filter from an arm.
7. Check up a condition of sealing rings in tips of hoses. The rings torn or lost elasticity replace.
8. Establish the new filter in an order, the return to removal. Thus the arrow on the filter case should be directed in a direction of a stream of fuel.

Replacement of the fuel pump
If capacity of the engine falls, the raised noise or periodic "howlings" at work of the fuel pump, most likely, the fuel pump has failed is audible.
At first check up pressure in system of giving of fuel, having connected a manometre to the valve on a stage in подкапотном space (Pressure decrease in the power supply system �see�).
If pressure in system is less 250 кПа (2,5 kgs/sm2), replace the fuel filter (�Replacement of the fuel filter� see).

If it does not help, try to remove the pump and to wash out a grid of its receiver (�Repair of the fuel pump� see).
If and in this case pressure does not increase, it is necessary to replace the fuel pump.
The key �on 10� (to use a face key more conveniently) is required to you.
1. Disconnect a wire from the plug �–� the storage battery.
2. Lower pressure in the power supply system (Pressure decrease in the power supply system �see�).
3. Cast away forward the right part of a pillow of a back seat.
4. Unbend the cut out part of a noise isolation under which there is a hatch cover over a fuel tank.
5. Turn out two screws of fastening and uncover the hatch.
6. Disconnect from transitive pad the pump колодку a plait of wires.
7. Having wrung out spring clamps, remove from pump branch pipes fuel hoses.

That from pump branch pipes superfluous pressure of steams did not supersede gasoline, remove a stopper of a bulk mouth.

8. Turn away eight nuts of fastening of the pump (under nuts spring washers are located).
9. Lift the pump upwards, incline it to deduce from the hatch a float of the gauge of the index of level of fuel, and remove the pump together with a clamping ring.
10. If the sealing ring of the pump remains on a tank, remove it and examine. Strongly pressed out, lost elasticity or the torn ring replace.
11. If at removal of the pump the glass-store remained in a tank, take it and...
12.... Before return installation of the pump fix on the case of the pump percussion caps.
13. Put on the pump a sealing ring and...
14.... Establish the pump in a tank, it is correct сориентировав it concerning fuel hoses.
15. At заворачивании nuts of fastening of the pump press a ring with the pump, overcoming resistance of the spring established in the pump.

Repair of the fuel pump
Into structure of the fuel pump enter: the gauge of level of fuel, the fuel filter and actually the electropump. All these elements are established in an arm and the case of the fuel pump.
The basic malfunctions of the fuel pump:
– Refusal or misoperation of the gauge of the index of level of fuel;
– A contamination or damage of the fuel filter of the pump;
– Electropump failure.
In most cases infringement of work of the gauge of level of fuel is caused by pollution or oxidation of its contact group.
1. Remove a lock ring from an axis of a toddler of a rheostat of the gauge, having hooked its pointed tool, and...
2.... Remove a toddler from an axis together with the lever of a float and a contact plate.
3. Wash out contacts of a rheostat and a plate of a toddler gasoline, and then wipe the rags not leaving fibres moistened in spirit.
4. For toddler replacement круглогубцами with long sponges shift a toddler from a shoulder of the lever of a float and...
5.... Remove a toddler.
6. For replacement of a plate of a rheostat wring out the pointed tool the top clamp of its fastening and...
7.... Take a plate from under a toddler. For plate removal отпаяйте from its conclusions of a wire.
8. Establish a plate and a toddler in an order, the return to removal.
9. For clearing or replacement of the fuel filter hook its basis the pointed tool and remove from the pump case, overcoming resistance of a spring lock washer.
10. Before return installation of the filter take a lock washer...
11.... Will correct it пассатижами and establish in the filter.
12. Establish the filter in an order, the return to removal.
13. For electropump replacement disconnect from intermediate pad колодку a plait of wires...
14.... Overcoming effort of a spring, wring out downwards the pump case on directing, take fixing шплинт and...
15.... Remove the case together with the electric motor from a directing arm.
16. Disconnect from the electric motor колодку a plait of wires...
17.... Having wrung out a spring clamp, remove it and...
18.... Take the electropump from the case.
19. Disconnect a hose of the electropump from an arm branch pipe.
20. Establish the electropump and all removed details in an order, the return to removal.

Replacement of a fuel tank
At detection of a leak of fuel from a tank it is recommended to replace a tank. If the grid of the fuel pump often gets littered, remove and wash out a tank.
If the leak in the area of a joint of the top and bottom parts of a tank is found out, it is possible these places пропаять (it is recommended to do in specialised workshops). For this purpose pour out the gasoline rests, carefully wash out and dry a tank. Then a leak place solder soft solder.

It is possible to solder only carefully washed out and dried tank which is not containing steams of gasoline, differently at a pair ration can ignite.
For washing of a fuel tank use washing-up liquids: �Лобомид�, МС or ML.
To remove the washing-up liquid rests, wash out and пропарьте a tank a stream of hot water. Carefully dry a tank.

1. Lower pressure in the power supply system (Pressure decrease in the power supply system �see�).
2. Disconnect a wire from the plug �–� the storage battery.
3. Cast away forward both parts of a pillow of a back seat.
4. Remove a luggage carrier rug.
5. Move locks of back seat belts to a luggage carrier, having passed them under a back of a back seat.
6. Turn away six nuts of fastening of backs of a back seat and...
7.... Remove backs.
8. Turn out screws of fastening of back overlays of an upholstery from both parties and remove overlays.
9. Remove decorative overlays of lateral bolts of fastening of back seat belts...
10.... Turn out bolts and take belts aside.

Pay attention: on bolts remote and antinoise washers are established. Do not lose them.

11. Take percussion caps of fastening of the right upholstery of a luggage carrier...
12.... Turn out screws of its fastening and...
13.... Remove an upholstery.
14. Turn away six nuts of fastening of a cross-beam of a back of a back seat, remove washers and...
15.... A cross-beam.
16. Remove шумоизоляционный a trunk floor rug.
17. Turn away a nut of fastening of a cover of a compartment of a fuel tank.
18. Remove decorative caps of bolts of average fastening of back seat belts...
19.... Turn out bolts and uncover a compartment of a fuel tank.
20. Turn out bolts of fastening of pillows of a back seat.
21. Take aside a rug of a floor and turn out bolts of fastening of forward support of a fuel tank.
22. Turn away a nut of fastening of back support of a fuel tank.
23. Disconnect from the fuel pump of a wire and hoses (�Replacement of the fuel pump� see).
24. Ослабьте collars of fastening submitting and воздухоотводящего hoses of a bulk pipe...
25.... A hose of system of catching of steams of fuel, remove hoses from branch pipes of a fuel tank and take a tank.
26. Establish a fuel tank and all removed details in sequence, return to removal.

Check and replacement of a regulator of pressure of fuel
Signs of malfunction of a regulator of pressure can be:
– Unstable work of the engine;
– The engine глохнет idling;
– The raised or lowered frequency of rotation of a cranked shaft idling;
– The engine does not develop a total power, insufficient приемистость the engine;
– Jerks and failures in engine work at car movement;
– The raised expense of fuel;
– The raised maintenance WITH and СН in the fulfilled gases.
It be required to you: шестигранник �on 5�, a key �on 24�, a manometre (it is possible шинный).
1. Turn away a cap of the valve for the control of pressure of fuel at a stage end face. Pay attention that in a cap the sealing ring is established. If the ring is torn or has lost elasticity, replace it or entirely a cap.
2. By means of a metal protective cap of the gate of the tyre turn out a zolotnik (same, as in the tyre) from the valve.
3. Connect to the valve a hose with a manometre (it is possible to use шинный a manometre). Fix a hose on the valve a collar. Start up the engine and check up pressure on a manometre. It should make 284–325 кПа (2,9–3,3 kgs/sm2).

4. Disconnect a vacuum hose from a pressure regulator. Thus pressure on a manometre should increase on 20-70 кПа (0,2–0,7 kgs/sm2). Otherwise replace a pressure regulator.

5. For regulator replacement ослабьте a nut of a highway fuel plum...
6.... Turn away it and lower on the highway pipeline downwards.
7. Disconnect a vacuum hose from a pressure regulator.
8. Turn out two bolts of fastening of a regulator to a fuel stage...
9.... Take a regulator from a nest of a stage and then...
10.... Remove it from the highway pipeline.
11. If the sealing ring of a regulator remains in a stage, take it and...
12.... Put on a regulator before installation. The sealing ring torn or lost elasticity replace.
13. Establish a regulator in sequence, return to removal.

Removal and installation of a fuel stage
Fuel stage remove for check and replacement of atomizers, and also at replacement of the stage or an inlet pipe.
It be required to you: шестигранник �on 5�, a screw-driver, a key �on 17� (two).
1. Remove a receiver from an inlet pipe (�Replacement of a lining of a receiver� see).
2. Merge a part of a cooling liquid, having turned out a stopper on the block of cylinders (�Replacement of a cooling liquid� see).
3. Ослабьте a collar of fastening of a hose of a radiator of a heater also remove it from a branch pipe of a head of the block of cylinders.
4. Turn out the screw of fastening of a clamp of pipelines of fuel highways and remove a clamp.
5. Separate connecting колодку a plait of wires of a stage and a motor plait.
6. Turn out two screws of fastening of a stage to an inlet pipe and...
7.... Accurately having shifted a fuel stage along an axis of atomizers so that all atomizers left apertures in an inlet pipe of the engine, disconnect a stage in gathering with atomizers from an inlet pipe.

If at removal of a fuel stage any atomizer remained in an inlet pipe of the engine, replace its sealing rings and a clamp.

8. For removal of a stage from the engine disconnect from its pipelines fuel hoses and...

Pay attention: on tips of pipelines sealing rings are established. If rings are pressed strongly out, have lost elasticity or are torn, replace them.

9.... Remove a stage.
10. Establish a stage in an order, the return to removal.
11. Do not forget to add cooling liquid.

Check of atomizers
Signs of malfunction of atomizers can be:
– The complicated start-up of the engine;
– Unstable work of the engine;
– The engine глохнет idling;
– The raised frequency of rotation of a cranked shaft idling;
– The engine does not develop a total power, insufficient приемистость the engine;
– Jerks and failures in engine work at car movement;
– The raised expense of fuel;
– The raised maintenance WITH and СН in the fulfilled gases;
калильное ignition because of негерметичности atomizers.
The same tools, as for removal of a fuel stage be required to you.
1. Remove a fuel stage (�Removal of a fuel stage� see) and again attach to it fuel highways.
2. Having pressed spring clamps, disconnect pad with wires from atomizers.
3. Substitute under a checked atomizer capacity for fuel gathering (conveniently to use for this purpose plastic bottles from under mineral water), include ignition for pressure creation in fuel system and submit pressure on an atomizer winding. Include an atomizer on strictly certain time interval (supervising it on a stop watch), for example for ten seconds.
4. Check up quality of dispersion of fuel an atomizer. The atomizer should spray fuel a torch having the form of a correct cone, and in a torch four streams should be looked through.
5. Disconnect an atomizer, merge the submitted fuel in measured capacity and define its volume.
6. Right after atomizer switching-off attentively examine it. If from an atomizer spray considerably подтекание fuel, means, an atomizer негерметична and it it is necessary to replace.
7. Similarly check up other atomizers and compare quantity of the fuel submitted each atomizer which should be identical to all atomizers. If any atomizer does not meet the case, it is necessary to replace it (�Replacement of atomizers�) see.
8. It is recommended to check up resistance of windings of atomizers. For this purpose connect to contacts of an atomizer an ohmmeter (check can be spent, without removing an atomizer, only having disconnected from it колодку a plait of wires). It should show resistance 11–15 Ohm. Otherwise replace an atomizer.

If the electric part of the atomizer submitting reduced quantity of fuel, is serviceable, the atomizer is polluted. The polluted atomizers can be washed out in a specialised workshop at the special stand.

Replacement of atomizers
The same tools, as for removal of a fuel stage be required to you.
1. Disconnect a fuel stage from an inlet pipe, without disconnecting from it fuel highways (Removal and installation of a fuel stage �see�).
2. Having pressed a spring clamp, disconnect колодку with wires from a replaced atomizer.
3. Shift an atomizer clamp aside.
4. Take out an atomizer from a fuel stage. Similarly take out other faulty atomizers.
5. It is recommended to check up on all atomizers sealing rings from outside stages and...
6.... An inlet pipe. The rings which have cracked or lost elasticity replace.

We recommend to replace sealing rings of atomizers at each removal of a fuel stage as in many cases infringement of normal work of the engine is caused негерметичностью consolidations of atomizers.

7. Establish atomizers in an order, the return to removal. Before installation grease with gasoline sealing rings of atomizers.
8. For replacement of the clamps badly keeping atomizers, shift them on dredging under a bolt of fastening of a stage or on stage edge.

Adjustment and replacement of a cable of a drive throttle заслонки
If adjustment of a drive throttle заслонки it is impossible to achieve full opening or closing throttle заслонки or a drive заедает, replace a cable of a drive throttle заслонки.
The screw-driver is required to you.
1. For the visual control of moving throttle заслонки ослабьте collars of fastening also disconnect a ventilation hose crankcase from the right part воздухоподводящего a branch pipe and...
2.... The right part of a branch pipe – from throttle knot.
3. At completely pressed pedal of an accelerator (it the assistant should make) check up position throttle заслонки – it should be completely open.
4. At the released pedal of an accelerator throttle заслонка should be completely closed. Otherwise the drive is necessary for adjusting.
5. Take from a cut of a tip of a cover of a cable spring скобу and tip moving to an aperture of a rubber clamp forward achieve, that throttle заслонка it was completely closed, and at not completely opening – moving achieve back, that заслонка completely opened. Fix a cable tip in new position, having inserted скобу into its corresponding cut.
6. For cable replacement remove safety скобу from sector of throttle knot, having hooked its screw-driver.
7. Take out a tip of a cable of a drive throttle заслонки from a groove of sector and disconnect a cable from throttle knot.
8. Take out the holder of a cover of a cable from an aperture...
9.... And a clamp of a cable from a cut of an arm also disconnect a cable from a receiver.
10. In salon remove a tip of a cable from a finger of a pedal of an accelerator, having hooked its screw-driver.
11. Extend a cable towards a motor compartment from an aperture in a board передка.
12. Take from a board aperture передка the sealing plug of a cable and...
13.... Take a cable from a board aperture передка together with the sealing plug.
14. Establish a new cable of a drive throttle заслонки in an order, the return to removal. After that adjust a drive.

Removal and installation of throttle knot
Signs not completely throttle заслонки the rotations of a cranked shaft raised frequency idling and the fuel expense can be closed, instead of completely opening – the engine does not develop a total power, insufficient приемистость the engine, jerks and failures in engine work at car movement. At the given malfunctions at first try to adjust a drive throttle заслонки or replace a cable (Adjustment and replacement of a cable of a drive throttle заслонки �see�). If it does not lead to positive result, replace throttle knot.
It be required to you: a face key (head) �on 13�, a screw-driver with a crosswise edge, пассатижи.

It is forbidden to turn out screws of 1 fastening throttle заслонки. If they then are badly wrapped and законтрены, the turned out screw can get to the cylinder of the engine and put it out of action. Position throttle заслонки is adjusted at factory, therefore 2 throttle заслонки it is not recommended to touch the adjusting screw.

1. Merge a liquid from system of cooling of the engine (�Replacement of a cooling liquid� see).

       THE NOTE
At known skill cooling liquid can to be merged. Prepare stoppers approaching on the size with which muffle hoses at once after their detachment. Loss of a cooling liquid at such way will be insignificant.

2. Ослабьте fastening collars to branch pipes of throttle knot of hoses of a supply of a cooling liquid, take out шплинт and...
3.... Remove collars.

The tape collars established on the car are inconvenient in using. They are very difficult for weakening, besides at a repeated inhaling they frequently do not provide durability of connection. Therefore we recommend them to assort at the first removal in the shown way and at knot assemblage to replace with worm collars.

4. Disconnect hoses of giving of a cooling liquid.
5. Similarly disconnect a hose of a small branch of system of ventilation crankcase.
6. Ослабьте a collar of fastening also disconnect from the right part воздухоподводящего a branch pipe a hose of the big branch of system of ventilation crankcase.
7. Ослабьте collars of fastening of the right part воздухоподводящего a branch pipe to throttle knot and...
8.... To an intermediate arm also remove it from the car.
9. Ослабьте a collar of fastening also disconnect from a branch pipe of throttle knot a hose of a purge of an adsorber.
10. Disconnect from sector of throttle knot a cable of a drive throttle заслонки (Adjustment and replacement of a cable of a drive throttle заслонки �see�).
11. Disconnect pad plaits of wires from the gauge of position throttle заслонки and...
12.... An idling regulator.
13. Turn on two nuts of fastening of throttle knot and...
14.... Remove throttle knot from hairpins on a receiver. Pay attention, under each nut are established on two washers (one flat and one spring). Remove from a receiver a lining (it is shown by an arrow).
15. If at replacement of throttle knot by new knot are not established the gauge of position throttle заслонки and an idling regulator, rearrange them from old knot. For this purpose turn on on two screws of their fastening.
16. Replace damaged поролоновое a ring established under the gauge of position throttle заслонки.
17. The polluted throttle knot clear a liquid for cleaning of carburettors, preliminary having removed from it the gauge and a regulator. Clear also the polluted regulator and the gauge (it is forbidden to use solvents for their clearing).
18. Take from a receiver for survey plastic диффузор, организующий an air stream.
19. Remove with диффузора and from a receiver oil and other pollution.
20. Establish диффузор and throttle knot in an order, the return to removal.

Лыска on диффузоре should be turned to a flat surface of a receiver.
Lining of throttle knot disposable, and it is necessary to replace it.

21. Adjust a drive throttle заслонки (Adjustment and replacement of a cable of a drive throttle заслонки �see�).

Replacement of a regulator of idling
The idling regulator can be removed only after removal of throttle knot.
It be required to you: a face key (head) �on 13�, a screw-driver with a crosswise edge, пассатижи.
1. Remove throttle knot (Removal and installation of throttle knot �see�).
2. Turn out two screws of fastening and...
3.... Remove a regulator.

Pay attention, connection is condensed by a rubber ring 1.

Do not try to extend or press the valve of a regulator 2 as it can put a regulator out of action.

4. At a new regulator check up distance between the end of a needle of the valve and an assembly flange: it should be no more than 23 mm. If this distance is more, the regulator needle will rest against a saddle of throttle knot and a regulator will be damaged.
5. Clear of pollution a saddle and the air channel in throttle knot, and also a surface under a sealing ring of a regulator.
6. Grease a sealing ring with engine oil and establish a regulator in an order, the return to removal. Screws of fastening of a regulator tighten the moment 3–4 Н�м.

Replacement of knots of system of catching of steams of fuel
Knots of system of catching of steams of fuel (an adsorber, the valve of a purge of an adsorber, double-thread and gravitational valves) remove for check or replacement at occurrence of a proof smell of the gasoline caused негерметичностью of knots and pipelines, and also refusal of the valve of a purge of an adsorber. Besides, негерметичность an adsorber and refusal of the valve of a purge can cause unstable work of the engine idling up to a stop.
It be required to you: a key �on 10�, a screw-driver.
1. For replacement of the valve of a purge of an adsorber disconnect колодку a plait of wires from the valve...
2.... ослабьте collars of fastening of vacuum and blowing-off hoses also disconnect them, preliminary having marked to establish on former places.
3. Wring out a screw-driver the plastic holder and...
4.... Remove the purge valve.
5. For adsorber removal execute operations 1 and 2, turn out a coupling bolt of a collar of fastening of an adsorber and...
6.... Remove an adsorber.
7. For removal of the double-thread valve ослабьте collars of fastening of hoses also take the valve from a highway.
8. For removal of the gravitational valve remove the right lateral upholstery of a luggage carrier (�Replacement of a fuel tank� see), ослабьте collars of fastening of hoses, remove hoses from branch pipes of the valve and take the valve from an aperture of a bulk pipe.
9. Establish knots of system of catching of steams of fuel in sequence, return to removal.

�The previous page
4.25. System of release of the fulfilled gases
The following page
4.27. Possible malfunctions of the engine, their reason and ways of elimination