1. The car device
2. Recommendations about operation
3. Malfunctions in a way
4. The engine
4.1. Features of a design
4.2. A good advice
4.3. Removal and installation of a decorative casing of the engine
4.4. Removal and installation of protection oil crankcase and an engine mudguard
4.5. Replacement of a cooling liquid
4.6. Oil replacement in the engine and the oil filter
4.7. Clearing of system of ventilation crankcase
4.8. Replacement of support of a suspension bracket of the power unit
4.9. Installation of the piston of the fourth cylinder in position ВМТ of a step of compression
4.10. Check and installation of phases timing on labels
4.11. Replacement натяжителя chains of a drive of a camshaft
4.12. Replacement успокоителя chains of a drive of a camshaft
4.13. Boot replacement натяжителя chains of a drive of a camshaft
4.14. Replacement of a chain of a drive of a camshaft
4.15. Replacement of hydrosupport of levers of a drive of valves
4.16. Removal, installation and дефектовка a flywheel
4.17. Replacement of the forward bearing of a primary shaft of a transmission
4.18. Replacement of details of consolidation of the engine
4.19. Camshaft replacement
4.20. A head of the block of cylinders
4.21. Removal and engine installation
4.22. Engine repair
4.23. Greasing system
4.24. Cooling system
4.25. System of release of the fulfilled gases
4.26. The power supply system
4.27. Possible malfunctions of the engine, their reason and ways of elimination
5. Transmission
6. A running gear
7. A steering
8. Brake system
9. An electric equipment
10. A body
11. Variants of execution of the car
12. Care of the car
13. Purchase of spare parts
14. A trip on HUNDRED
15. Winter operation of the car
16. Preparation for checkup
17. Appendices


4.16. Removal, installation and дефектовка a flywheel

Flywheel remove for replacement or repair at damage of a gear wreath or at damage or strong deterioration of a surface of a friction.
The flywheel is established on the back end of a cranked shaft and fixed on it by six bolts (the bottom view behind, coupling and a transmission are removed): 1 – a gear wreath; 2 – a fastening bolt; and – a friction surface.
It be required to you: a screw-driver, a face key «on 17», динамометрический a key.
1. Remove from the car a transmission (section 5 "Transmission", «Removal and transmission installation» see).
2. Remove from a flywheel coupling (section 5 "Transmission", «Removal and coupling installation» see).
3. Fix a flywheel from проворачивания an assembly shovel, as is shown in a photo, and...
4.... Turn out six bolts of fastening of a flywheel.
5. Remove a basic washer, holding a flywheel.
6. Remove a flywheel.
7. Check up a condition of a gear wreath; in case of damage of teeths replace a flywheel.

Fig. 4.7. A flywheel: 1 – a fastening surface to a flange of a cranked shaft; 2 – a surface of fastening of coupling; 3 – a basic surface of a conducted disk of coupling

8. The surfaces of a flywheel interfaced to cranked shaft and with the conducted disk of coupling, should be without scratches, задиров and absolutely flat. If on a working surface 3 (fig. 4.7) a flywheel under a conducted disk of coupling are available scratches, pierce this surface, removing a layer of metal in the thickness no more than 1 mm. Then pierce a surface 2, having sustained the size 0,5±0,1 mm and providing parallelism of surfaces 2 and 3 concerning a surface 1. The admission непараллельности makes 0,1 mm. After проточки establish a flywheel on the mandrel, aligning it on a landing aperture with a stress on a surface 1, check up palpation of planes 3 and 2. In extreme points the indicator should not show биений, exceeding 0,1 mm.

       THE NOTE
Pay attention to density of landing of a gear wreath and on a condition of its teeths. If the wreath can be moved on a flywheel or teeths are worn strongly out, replace a flywheel in gathering with a wreath. Wreath replacement is difficult enough and demands presence of certain skills from the executor, and also application of the special tool.

9. Establish a flywheel both the removed knots and details in an order, the return to removal. The flywheel can be established on a cranked shaft in two opposite positions defined by an arrangement of fixing apertures. However on its manufacturer balance in gathering with cranked shaft, therefore it should be established strictly in initial position. For correct installation on a flywheel the label in a kind конусной лунки which should be сориентирована at installation in the same party, as шатунная a neck of 4th (1st) cylinder is made. If after flywheel removal a cranked shaft turned, establish the piston of 4th cylinder in position ВМТ of a step of compression (Installation of the piston of the fourth cylinder in position ВМТ of a step of compression »), then on half of turn see« and establish a flywheel on a cranked shaft, having turned its label vertically downwards. Bolts of fastening of a flywheel tighten in regular intervals cross-wise a twisting moment resulted in enc. 1.

«The previous page
4.15. Replacement of hydrosupport of levers of a drive of valves
The following page»
4.17. Replacement of the forward bearing of a primary shaft of a transmission